Privacy Policy

Bloods & beyond Ltd (company number 15366887) (“we”, “us”) is committed to the protection of your privacy and at all times aims to respect any and all personal information shared with us and keep it safe. Within this Privacy Policy are set out our data processing practices, and your rights regarding how your personal information is used and collected.

This Privacy Policy contains important information regarding your personal rights to privacy. Please read it carefully to understand how your personal information is collected, stored and used.

Providing your personal information is voluntary; however, by not providing us with your personal information, you may find that your use of our services or your interactions with us as an organisation may be impaired. For example, without providing your personal information, you will be unable to take an examination or receive a qualification through us. 


  1. What personal information does Bloods & beyond Ltd. collect?
  2. How does Bloods & beyond Ltd. collect my personal information?
  3. What will Bloods & beyond Ltd. do with my personal information?
  4. How long will Bloods & beyond Ltd. keep my personal information?
  5. Will Bloods & beyond Ltd. share my personal information with anyone else?
  6. How will Bloods & beyond Ltd. keep my personal information safe?
  7. Lawful bases
  8. Email marketing
  9. Personal information of children / minors
  10. Misuse of personal information
  11. Exercising your rights
  12. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  13. Contacting us 

1. What personal information does Bloods & beyond Ltd. collect?

In order to provide our services, we may need to collect personal information such as:

  1. your full name;
  2. your contact details (i.e. phone numbers, email address, home address);
  3. your date of birth, gender and other diversity monitoring data;
  4. your employment status and details;
  5. your course information, including details of your qualifications and experience;
  6. your financial information (i.e. bank details, credit/debit card details);
  7. unique candidate identifiers / unique learner numbers;
  8. data regarding your computer or mobile device, including visits to and use of our website and training content, such as your IP address and geographical location;

and/or any other personal information which is supplied to or obtained by us.

2. How does Bloods & beyond Ltd. collect my personal information?

We can collect your personal information:

  1. when it is supplied to us directly, such as when you provide us with personal information via email, telephone, administrative documentation or letter;
  2. when we obtain it indirectly, such as when a workplace registers you with us as the student following your enrolment on a course;
  3. when it is publicly available, such as on social media services (dependent on your privacy settings); and
  4. when you visit our website, where both technical information (e.g. your internet protocol (IP) address, browser type/version, time zone setting, etc.) and information about your visit to the site (e.g. the uniform resource locator (URL) clickstream to, through and from the website, services viewed/searched for, page response times, etc.) can be accessed by us.

Please be aware that we use cookies and other similar technologies to collect this information.

3. What will Bloods & beyond Ltd. do with my personal information?

Any information supplied to or obtained by us will be used for the purposes as specified in this Privacy Policy. We may use your information:

  1. to register you as a candidate and allow you to sit examinations or other assessments;
  2. for administration purposes;
  3. to issue results and certification;
  4. to carry out any results or appeals;
  5. to provide you with services, products or information as requested;
  6. for the purposes of communication with training/learning providers and employers;
  7. in the management of partner and service provider relationships;
  8. for communication purposes with you in general;
  9. to provide you with further information, such as regarding our work, services or related activities (only where you have provided consent to receive such information);
  10. for the purposes of analysis and improvement to our work, services, activities, products or information, or for our internal records;
  11. for the purposes of health and safety, including the security of our facilities;
  12. to audit and/or administer our accounts;
  13. to meet the needs of any legal obligations we may find to be binding on us;
  14. in order to prevent fraud or service misuse;
  15. for the establishment, defence and/or enforcement of legal claims; and/or to comply with requirements of the Equality Act 2010, and any other relevant legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusivity.

Please be aware that your information, including personal data, may be transferred to and maintained on computers outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction, where the data protection laws may differ to those in your jurisdiction. If you provide information to us from outside of the United Kingdom, please note that the data may be transferred to the United Kingdom for processing. Consenting to this Privacy Policy and submitting such personal information to us is a representation of your agreement to that transfer.

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal information and data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. No transfer of your personal information and data to an organisation or country will take place unless there are adequate controls in place.

4. How long will Bloods & beyond Ltd. keep my personal information?

We will keep your personal information for as long as is required within your use of our services; unless it is still required in relation to the original purpose(s) for which it was collected / processed, the data will be removed from our records six years after the date.

If before that date, reason arises in which (i) your personal information is no longer required in relation to such purpose(s), (ii) we are no longer lawfully entitled to process it, or (iii) you exercise your right of erasure (please see Section 11), we will remove your personal data from our records at the relevant time.

In cases where no further contact from us has been requested, such as in situations of unsubscribing from email lists, basic information about you may be stored on a suppression list so that we can comply with your request and avoid sending you unwanted materials in the future.

5. Will Bloods & beyond Ltd. share my personal information with anyone else?

Your personal information will not be shared, sold or rented by Bloods and beyond Ltd. to third parties for marketing purposes; however, your personal information may be disclosed to selected third parties in order to achieve the purposes set out by this policy. Examples of third parties with whom we may share this personal information with may include (but are not limited to):

  1. contracted mobile phlebotomists;
  2. training / learning providers;
  3. individual examiners;
  4. education authorities;
  5. local authorities and other public bodies responsible for education;
  6. other educational establishments / prospective employers;
  7. suppliers and subcontractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with them, such as IT service providers;
  8. professional service providers, such as accountants and lawyers;
  9. others, i.e. third parties, who may be assisting us in the monitoring of the impact / effectiveness of our work;
  10. the police;
  11. regulatory bodies; and/or
  12. individuals contracted by Bloods and beyond Ltd. for the purposes of quality assurance and compliance.

Please also be aware that we reserve the right to disclose your personal information to third parties if our assets are bought, sold or acquired by the (prospective) seller, buyer or third party, in which case your personal information may be disclosed. The right to disclose your personal information also applies in cases where we are under any legal or regulatory duty to do so, or if we are required to protect the rights, property or safety of Bloods and beyond Ltd., its personnel, users, visitors or others.

6. How will Bloods & beyond Ltd. keep my personal information safe?

In order to protect and keep safe your personal information to the best of our ability, we implement the appropriate technical and organisational measures, such as protecting your payment information against unauthorised access by using a secure server (provided your browser accepts HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encryption).

Where applicable, third parties used to process personal information are required to ensure the safety of your information.

Be aware that voluntarily posting your personal information on public areas of our site, where they exist, may be collected and used by others, something that is out of our control. Therefore, please be careful about the personal information you disclose and where you disclose it.

7. Lawful bases

Under EU law, the GDPR requires that we rely on one or more lawful bases when using your personal information. We consider the following grounds to be relevant:

  1. Where we have your consent to use your personal information for a particular purpose, such as when you require reasonable adjustments and/or special considerations when undertaking a qualification.
  2. Where it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject, such as where regulatory bodies governing our work and services require access to this shared personal information.
  3. Where necessary in fulfilling a contract to which you are party or to take steps at your request prior to entering a contract, such as when providing you with a certified award following your completion of a qualification.
  4. Where there is legitimate interest in us doing so.
    The GDPR allows for the collection and processing of your personal information if it is deemed reasonably necessary in achieving our or other’s legitimate interests, provided that the processing is fair, balanced and does not unduly impact your individual rights.
    Our “legitimate interests” broadly refers to our interests in the running of Bloods & beyond Ltd. as a commercial entity and ensuring that appropriate levels of certified awards are granted to candidates in line with our standards. In cases such as this, we consider and balance both positive and negative potential impacts on you and your rights under data protection laws.
    Your personal information will not be used for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you.

8. Email Marketing

Bloods & beyond Ltd. will not send you marketing emails if you have opted out of receiving them. Any marketing emails we send you will include an unsubscribe link at the end of the email.

You may also email us at [email protected] if you no longer wish to be contacted.

9. Personal information of children / minors

In the unlikely event of our processing personal data belonging to children or minors, we will not do so without their consent and the consent of a parent/guardian. Appropriate safeguards will be put in place to ensure this personal information is handled securely and with due care.

As a provider of adult education, we do not usually address anyone under the age of 18 (“children”) and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that the personal information of your child(ren) has been provided to us, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from children without the verification of parental consent, we will take immediate steps to remove that information from our servers.

10. Misuse of personal information

Any collection or misuse of personal information supplied to or obtained by us in an improper way should be reported immediately as a violation of this Privacy Policy and our terms of practice. Please report it by emailing [email protected].

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you agree to not misuse any personal information available on or through our sites, including not using robots or other automated scripts, codes or functionalities to do so.

If we become aware of any breach of the applicable terms and conditions of use or this Privacy Policy, we may immediately suspend or terminate your access to our site without policy.

11. Exercising your rights 

You may withdraw your consent to our use of your personal information and data at any time. This includes “opting out” of email marketing campaigns.

You may write to us at any time to request a copy of the personal information which we hold on you. This can be provided once we have confirmed your identity and are satisfied of your entitlement to have access to the personal information requested. Likewise, if you wish for your personal data to be erased, rectified or restricted, please get in contact with us.

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may require updates and amendments from time to time. On such occasion, we will always include the date of the new version so that you are aware when a change has occurred.

13. Contacting us

If you have any questions or queries regarding this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Data Protection Officer, 22 Wye Close, Hilton, Derbyshire, DE65 5LH, United Kingdom

You may also email us [email protected].